雨中的小白花滴答,滴答这熟悉的声音又在我 耳边响起。 雨越下越大,稍微变小的时候我们开始撑起白遥的外衣匆匆回家,像水中的一朵小白花。 The rain is bigger and bigger. When it gets smaller, we start to hold up our white coat and hurry home, like a little white flower in the water. 那小白花是一股温暖,它为我们挡风雨。 That little white flower is a warmth, it keeps us out of the wind and rain. 那小白花是一阵暖流,它为我们保暖。 The little white flower is a warm current. It keeps us warm. 我们回到了家。 小白花的花瓣被雨水打湿了,可是它好像在对我笑。 We went home. The petals of the little white flower were wet by the rain, but it seemed to smile at me.