美丽的大森林你看,这是一片美丽的大森林.You see, this is a beautiful forest远处的山顶上有几只老鹰,在遥翱翔.老鹰的旁边有排人字形的大雁向南飞去,太阳公公躲在彩云姑娘背后露出了半边脸.In the distance, there are several eagles flying freely on the top of the mountain. Beside the eagles, there are a row of herringbone geese flying south. The sun father-in-law hides behind Caiyun girl and shows half of his face不远处有绿树成荫的高山小伙,山哥哥前面是一排矮小的灌木丛和几棵高大的树木爷爷.Not far away, there are trees in the mountains. In front of him is a row of small bushes and tall trees近处有一片片五颜六遥的小花妹妹,那几片花的叶子如同小花妹妹的裙子.花的旁边有一条花花绿绿的蛇姐姐和一只公鸡弟弟,水里有几群小虾它们时而在水中快乐的游着,时而来几下立定跳远,小鱼呢? 它们三个一群五个一伙,成群结队地游着,突然它们像发现敌人一样迅速钻到水里不见了.Nearby, there are pieces of colorful little flower sisters. The leaves of those flowers are like little flower sister's skirt. Beside the flowers, there are a colorful snake sister and a rooster brother. In the water, there are groups of little shrimps that sometimes swim happily in the water, sometimes come and go, standing and jumping. What about the little fish? They swam in groups of three and five, and suddenly they disappeared into the water as quickly as they found the enemy啊! 森林真美呀! Ah! What a beautiful forest!