海浪与星星一天海浪与星星一起谈心,它们在说着各自的本遥。 One day, the waves and the stars talk about each other's abilities. 海浪说:“我可以让船快速的前进。 ”The wave said, "I can make the boat move fast. "小星星不作声。 The little star is silent. 海浪接着说:“我还可以给孩子带来快乐。 ”The waves went on: "I can also bring happiness to the children. "小星星还是不作声。 The little star remained silent. 海浪又说:“我的动力可以给别人带来幸福。 ”"My motivation can bring happiness to others," said the wave小星星依然不作声。 The little star is still silent. 海浪突然哈哈大笑说:“你连一个优点都没有,怎么能和我相比啊。 ”The waves burst into laughter and said, "you don't even have one advantage. How can you compare with me? "一直沉默的小星星终于开口说话了。 “你的优点是很多,但却需要借助人类的力量。 而我只需要凭借自身的光亮就可以给人类带来光明。 你说我可以和你媲美吗? ”The silent little star finally spoke. "You have many advantages, but you need to rely on human power. And I only need to rely on their own light to bring light to mankind. Do you think I can compete with you? "我觉得,不应该来比优点的多与少,只要愿意付出,那就是较大较大的优点。 I don't think we should be more or less than the advantages. As long as we are willing to pay, that's the biggest advantage.