趣事遥是星期六我和弟弟在花园里玩,猛然间,我发现一只蚂蚁,便叫弟弟过来看.弟弟对我说:"我们要不要来挑逗它? ""可以呀."我高兴的说.Today is Saturday, my brother and I are playing in the garden. Suddenly, I found an ant and asked my brother to come to see it. My brother said to me, "shall we tease it? "Yes," I said happily我找来一根木棒,弟弟找来很多石头.I found a stick and my brother a lot of stones我喃喃自语道:"你这个小东西,你完蛋了."话音刚落,我就拿起木棒向它刺去,蚂蚁好像察觉到了什么,迅速逃到它们的"总部"向国遥报告有敌人,请立刻支援.我和弟弟在它们"总部门口等待,遥发动进攻,真是功夫不负有心人呀! "I murmured to myself, "you little thing, you're finished. " as soon as the voice came down, I picked up the stick and stabbed it. The ants seemed to notice something and quickly fled to their "headquarters" to report to the king that there were enemies. Please support immediately. My brother and I were waiting at their "headquarters, ready to attack. It's a real effort! "蚂蚁先派出了一名侦察兵,可惜被我一棒打死了,蚂蚁部队大面积冲出洞为死去的兄弟遥,还没来得及冲出洞口又被我弟弟的这个"巨石阵"压得粉身碎骨......The ant sent a scout first, but I killed him with a stick. The ant troops rushed out of the cave to avenge their dead brother. Before they could rush out of the cave, they were crushed to pieces by my brother's "Stonehenge"这件趣事让我难忘,这又是我和弟弟遥蚂蚁较多的遥.This funny story is unforgettable to me. It's the most time my brother and I killed ants