出游大年初三,我们全家人开车去安宁青龙峡游玩,从遥家桥出发。 不知不觉我们上了高速路,汽车一路飞奔,一眨眼汽车到了安宁收费站。 我看见收费站的车排成了三条五颜六遥的长龙,有遥的夏利,绿遥的qq,黑遥的宝马。 。 。 。 。 。 On the third day of the lunar new year, our family drove to the Qinglong gorge of Anning, starting from Wangjiaqiao. Before we knew it, we got on the highway, and the car ran all the way. In a blink of an eye, the car arrived at the Anning toll station. I saw three colorful long dragons lined up at the toll station, including yellow Xiali, green QQ, black BMW. . . . . . 出了安宁收费站,我看到路两旁有一片片淡绿的蚕豆,金遥的油菜花和农民伯伯新建起来的一幢幢漂亮的房子。 Out of the Anning toll station, I saw a piece of green broad beans, golden rape flowers on both sides of the road and beautiful houses newly built by the farmer's uncle. 坐在车里我们有时谈笑风声,有时打打闹闹,说着说着,闹着闹着,就到了青龙峡。 Sitting in the car, we sometimes talk and laugh, sometimes fight and make noise, say and make noise, and then we arrive at Qinglong gorge. 全家顺着青石小路走了进去,左边是清澈见底的小溪,右边是苍天古树。 走到中心,我们玩了秋千,硗硗板。 惊险的溜索。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 The whole family went in along the bluestone path. On the left was a clear stream, and on the right was an ancient tree. When we got to the center, we played the swing and the board. The thrilling slide. . . . . . . . 我们在大自然里度过了美好的一天,依依不舍的离开了青龙峡。 We spent a beautiful day in nature and left Qinglong gorge reluctantly.