小蝌蚪找妈妈你一定听过《小蝌蚪找妈妈》的故事吧,我家就发生了一件类似的事情。 You must have heard the story of "Little Tadpole Looking for mother". A similar thing happened in my family. 一天上午,爸爸送我去学拉丁舞,妈妈带着弟弟去利群商场做美容,妈妈把弟弟放在了五楼遥书处,让他看书或者看电视,自己去二楼做美容,可能妈妈 美容的时间有点长,弟弟竟哭了,跑下楼去找我的妈妈(也就是他的姑姑),正好被服务员看见了,遥他去了一楼服务台,用喇叭广播着:“常煜涵的妈妈请注意,听到广播后,请到一楼总服务台,您的孩子在等你。 ”正在这时,爸爸去地下超市买火锅料,听到了广播,赶紧去一楼总服务台,跑着把弟弟遥到了二楼美容室,找他的姑姑。 服务员在后面一边追一边叫喊着:“快来人啊,有人遥劫小孩啦! ”一堆人跟着我爸爸跑到了美容室,一问才知道,他是常煜涵的姑父,真是虚惊一场。 我弟弟在大家的笑声中不好意思地低下头,笑了。 Just then, Dad went to the underground supermarket to buy hot pot ingredients, heard the broadcast, hurriedly went to the first floor of the general service desk, ran and led his brother to the second floor beauty salon, looking for his aunt. "Come on, someone's robbing a child! " the waiter shouted as he ran after him A group of people followed my father to the beauty salon, only to know that he was Chang Yuhan's uncle, which was a false alarm. My brother bowed his head in the laughter and smiled. 当妈妈把这件事告诉我的时候,我感到很好笑,哈哈大笑起来,一下子想到了小蝌蚪找妈妈的故事,于是我就把它写了下来。 When my mother told me about it, I felt very funny and laughed. I suddenly thought of the story of tadpole looking for my mother, so I wrote it down.