陀螺大战星期六,我约了几个小伙伴,去体育馆斗陀螺。 On Saturday, I made an appointment with a few friends to go to the gym to fight for the top. 到了目的地,大家都拿出自己的陀螺,我们的陀螺形态各异,有圆形的、三角形的、正方形的等等,我喊:“三、二、一,开始。 ”大家都发射出自己的陀螺,“砰砰”有一个陀螺停止转动了,接着,又有陀螺停止转动了……较后竟然是我的陀螺获胜了,我的陀螺转了几圈才停止转动,我胜利了! When we arrived at the destination, we all took out our own gyroscopes. Our gyroscopes were of different shapes, including round, triangular, square, etc. I shouted, "three, two, one, start. " We all launch our own gyroscope. One gyroscope stops turning. Then another gyroscope stops turning In the end, it was my top that won. It took me several turns to stop turning. I won! 有几个人不服,要求在沙地上斗花样,于是我们到沙地上,继续遥。 他们有的用 “超遥弹射”,有的用“半月牙”,还有的用“月亮飞刀”等,较后又都败在我的“超遥月亮飞刀”之下,我又再次获胜。 小伙伴们不约而同的说:“我怎么这么倒霉啊。 ”我骄傲的说:“你们再练个一年再跟我斗吧。 ”由于我连续赢了两场,所以我开心得不得了。 在回家的路上,我想:我是不是太骄傲了呢? Because I won two games in a row, I was so happy. On the way home, I thought: am I too proud?