


2020-09-12 00:00:00浏览:
Yo Yo is popular now, so on Monday, I asked some of my classmates to play yo yo on the lawn.
You have different yo yos, including standard, butterfly wing, ultra wide butterfly wing and offline.
The recovery system is also different, including star pattern recovery, concave star pattern recovery, apron recovery, glue paste recovery and four hole recovery.
The recovery system I use is glue paste recovery, and the shape is ultra wide Butterfly wing.
When the game started, I shouted, "three, two, one, start.
" I used "baby cradle", "magic ball" and "intelligent whirlwind" to easily win everyone.
Some people are not convinced, said: "sleep saibi, if you do not agree is coward.
" I also agreed.
In the end, my yo yo sleep time was 45 seconds to win the championship, the second place was 26 seconds, and the third place was 19 seconds.
Because I won two games, I laughed happily.
On the way home, I thought: if I don't practice the ball, then duel may become the last!