啄木鸟志愿者真棒一提起校园里的啄木鸟志愿者,大家都毫不犹豫地跷起了大拇指! 他们不但讲文明,懂礼貌,而且还乐于助人呢! When talking about the woodpecker volunteers in the campus, we all raised our thumbs without hesitation! They are not only civilized and polite, but also helpful! 在一个阳光明媚的下午,我悠闲地漫步在操场的林荫小道上,突然抬头,发现了我们班的几位志愿者正在仔细地拾地上的树叶。 。 。 。 。 。 当他们来到一棵小树下,发现了一个调皮的小男孩爬在树上正准备摘掉树上的遥,他们立刻亲切的说:小同学,快下来,要是摔下来会特别疼的。 于是,他们把小男孩抱了下来并耐心的开导他说:你要是把遥摘了,可爱的小鸟儿就无家可归啦! 假如我们自己没有了温暖的家,那该多伤心呀! 况且要是你一不小心还会摔下来,那多危险呀! 小男孩认真地点了点头,高高兴兴地回家了。 On a sunny afternoon, I strolled leisurely on the mall of the playground, suddenly looked up, and found that several volunteers in our class were carefully picking up the leaves on the ground. . . . . . When they came to a small tree, they found a naughty little boy climbing on the tree is ready to remove the bird's nest on the tree, they immediately kindly said: little students, come down quickly, if you fall down, it will be very painful. So they took the little boy down and patiently enlightened him, saying: if you pick the nest, the lovely bird will be homeless! If we don't have a warm home, how sad it would be! Besides, if you fall down accidentally, how dangerous it would be! The little boy nodded seriously and went home happily. 不一会儿,当我来到学校门口,发现几位同学搀扶着一位老奶奶从对面的人行道上走了过来,原来这几位同学也是我们学校的志愿者。 当我回到教室时,看见几位啄木鸟志愿者正在聚精会神地帮助别的同学补习功课。 。 。 。 。 。 After a while, when I came to the school gate, I found that several students helped an old grandmother to come over from the opposite sidewalk. It turned out that these students were also volunteers of our school. When I came back to the classroom, I saw several woodpecker volunteers who were concentrating on helping other students with their lessons. . . . . . 校园里随处都可以看见啄木鸟的身影,表面上看起来他们做的都是一些微不足道的小事。 而实际上呢,我们的校园因为他们做的小事而更加美丽! 我们的校园因为他们的无私奉献而闪闪发亮! 让我们每位同学都自觉地争当啄木鸟志愿者吧,从小事做起,为美丽的校园添光采! Woodpeckers can be seen everywhere in the campus. On the surface, it seems that they do little things. In fact, our campus is more beautiful because of the little things they do! Our campus is shining because of their selfless dedication! Let each of our students consciously strive to be a woodpecker volunteer, starting from the little things, to add luster to the beautiful campus!