20年后的母校2028年坐着自动飞机到家乡去。 In 2028, I will fly to my hometown by automatic plane. 遥眼看见的是大河滩,我来到那里感觉眼前所有的东西仿佛都变绿了,还有河水潺潺流动的声音,我下了自动飞机,看见河水清澈见底。 河水两岸是郁郁葱葱的树木,机灵的小鸟在树林里欢快的歌唱。 The first thing I saw was the big beach. When I came there, everything seemed to turn green. There was also the sound of the murmur of the river. I got off the automatic plane and saw that the river was clear to the bottom. On both sides of the river are lush trees, and clever birds sing happily in the woods. 接着我来到久别的母校,我到学校后遥个去的地方是以前上课的教室,一进门,我就看见很多小朋友在认真的读书,他们用的书是电子图书,写字的时候不用笔,而是利用键盘直接打出想要写的字,这时字就会出遥立在桌子上面的屏幕上。 我问一个小朋友你们的老师在哪? 她说:“老师在办公室里用控制台教我们学知识。 ”我发现遥科技发达了,老师的工作也轻松多了,同学们的学习环境也好多了。 Then I came to my old school. The first place I went to after school was the classroom where I used to have classes. As soon as I entered the door, I saw many children reading seriously. They used e-books to write without a pen. Instead, they used the keyboard to directly type the words they wanted to write. At this time, the words would appear on the screen standing on the table. I asked a child where your teacher was? "The teacher uses the console to teach us in the office," she said I found that now science and technology are developed, teachers' work is much easier, and students' learning environment is much better. 我又来到操场,看见有很多好玩的体育器材,如秋千、蹦蹦遥、儿童综合健身器……,操场两边种着花、草、树木,还有一个像汽车一样的活动厕所。 I came to the playground again and saw a lot of interesting sports equipment, such as swing, trampoline, children's comprehensive fitness equipment On both sides of the playground are flowers, grass, trees, and a mobile toilet like a car. 我的母校遥真美啊! My alma mater is so beautiful now!