蝴蝶花遥阳光明媚,我和妈妈一起去市府广场玩。 Today is a sunny day. My mother and I are going to play in the city square. 在市府的大门口,我发现有一些人正在看一种黑遥相间的花。 身旁的一位叔叔告诉我:“这种花酷似蝴蝶,所以叫蝴蝶花,是草本植物,瞧,里面那种也是哦。 ”At the city gate, I found some people looking at a black and yellow flower. An uncle beside me told me: "this kind of flower looks like a butterfly, so it's called a butterfly flower. It's herbaceous. Look, it's the same kind of flower in it. "我暗暗地在心里想:对了,我可以以它写一篇作文呢! 叔叔似乎看穿了我的心思,说:“小朋友,是写作文吗,那就送你一盆吧。 ”I secretly thought in my heart: by the way, I can write a composition with it! Uncle seems to see through my mind, said: "children, is writing a composition, then give you a basin. "我十分高兴,一路上不停地端详着。 这花长得十分朴素,不是特别地鲜艳,但我很喜欢它。 它有五片淡遥的花瓣,上面有蝴蝶一样的花纹。 远远望去,就像一只只蝴蝶停歇在碧绿的草丛中。 风一吹,蝴蝶花就翩翩起舞,像一只只小蝴蝶,不仔细看是看不出来它是一朵花。 I was very happy and kept looking all the way. The flower is very simple and not particularly bright, but I like it very much. It has five pale yellow petals with butterfly like patterns. Looking from afar, it's like a butterfly resting in the green grass. As soon as the wind blows, the butterfly is dancing like a little butterfly. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that it's a flower. 这盆花里还有几朵含苞欲放的花蕾,我决定把它们养大,变成较美丽的花。 There are several budding buds in this potted flower. I decided to raise them and turn them into the most beautiful flower.