小水滴的歌儿乌云妈妈去生孩子了,一朵,两朵......."啊,妈妈! "哗哗,哗啦,哗啦......在另一边的一块冰,也生下了一些小水滴.......Black cloud mother went to have a baby, one, two. . . "Ah, mother! "Whoa, whoa, whoa. . . On the other side of the ice, there are also some small water drops我----小水滴,掉进了瀑布中,瀑布对我说:"孩子,留在这儿吧! 不要去大海呢! "我和几个姐妹头也不回地向大海的方向游过去,我们手牵手,肩并肩"呼......呼....."地一起跳了下去.几个姐妹开心遥了,高兴地大声唱道:"几个姐妹心连心,离开家人,出去闯荡.....哗...哗...哈! "I -- little water drop, fell into the waterfall, the waterfall said to me: "child, stay here! "! Don't go to the sea! "My sisters and I swam to the sea without looking back. We jumped down hand in hand, side by side. " Hoo. . . Hoo. . . . . . "we were so happy that we sang loudly:" several sisters are so heart to heart, leaving their families, going out to make a living. . . . . Hoo. . . Hoo. . . Ha! "我到了小溪中,看到了一条鱼儿,于是姐妹几个一起冲上前,趴在鱼儿身上,搭上了遥顺风车.一些水草缠住了一个妹妹的脚,我们冲上去问道:"你们这些长身子,要干嘛? "说着便解开了妹妹身上的水草."没啥,俺们是乡下水草,你们是珍珠宝石,俺们只是图个新奇才拉住你们的,给你们赔不是了! 不过,俺们真的想把你们留下来."一个年纪大点儿的水草必恭必敬地说.水滴们不想辜负了水草们的一片心意,于是说:谢谢你们的好意,为了表示感谢....."几个水滴互相看了看,接着拿出了几块石头,"这是我们从瀑布跳下来时随手捡的石头,就送给你们吧! 时候不早了,姐妹们,LET,S GO! ! ! "乡下水草们摇动着纤细的身躯,说着"拜拜....."几个姐妹又唱道:"哗啦啦,哗哗啦啦,我们团结团结再团结,不怕艰难,不怕遥,顽强勇敢,冲向大海海海海海....."我们一直游呀游,前面的视野更加宽阔了,啊--我不禁不起兴奋叫道,大海? 这是大海吧? ! "哦,哦呵呵,孩子们,我是海妈妈,这就是你们向往的大海呀! ""大海! "我惊叫道,"坚持就是胜利! 耶! "We swam and swam all the time, and the view in front of us was wider? Is this the sea? ! "Oh, oh ho ho, children, I am the sea mother, this is the sea you yearn for! "Sea! "I exclaimed," persistence is victory! Yeah! "几个姐妹围在一起又唱又跳,一路来,身子上的泥土都冲刷掉了,遥只见一群又大又饱满又发亮又晶莹的钻石围在一起唱歌跳舞.Several sisters sang and danced together. Along the way, the mud on their bodies washed away. Now they saw a group of big, full, shiny and crystal diamonds singing and dancing together"啦啦....."这歌声一声比一声响亮,一声比一声欢乐,一声比一声有气势,这就是我唱的歌儿,一个小水滴的歌儿....."Cheerleading. . . . . . " this song is louder, happier and more powerful. This is my song, a little water drop song