续写小?z影师过了几天,小男孩又去高尔基家,高尔基看见前几天的小男孩,就叫秘书开门。 小男孩来到高尔基面前惭愧地说:“那天是我太无礼了,这次我不会象上次一样了,不带胶卷就来。 ”小男孩给高尔基认真的照了一张又一张。 小男孩要走了,高尔基送了小男孩一份礼物,小男孩高兴的说:“谢谢您高尔基同志。 ”A few days later, the little boy went to Gorky's house again. Gorky saw the little boy the other day and asked the Secretary to open the door. The little boy came to Gorky and said with shame, "I was rude that day. I won't come here without film this time, as I did last time. " The little boy took a serious picture of Gorky. The little boy is leaving. Gorky gives the little boy a present. The little boy says happily, "thank you, comrade Gorky. "有一天,高尔基去到一所学校参观,原来是是那位小男孩就读的学校,他看见小男孩亲切地说:“小男孩我们又见面了。 ”小男孩回头一看,原来是高尔基同志,大声喊到:“高尔基 同志! ”有人听到就立刻跑过来找他签名,秘书照顾着同学们一直到上课的铃响了。 上课了,同学们回到班里,高尔基去看这个学校的遥作文,发现给他照像的小男孩写的较好,回家前,他把小男孩 的作文撕了下来。 8天过去了,高尔基同志知道了那个小男孩的名字。 他长大后成了一位做事周密的大遥。