可爱的小鸡遥,婆婆买回八只小鸡。 小鸡只有我手掌那样大,它的眼睛像一个黑珠子,戴着一个小小的冠子,还穿着一身花衣服呢! Today, my mother-in-law bought back eight chickens. The chicken is only as big as my palm. Its eyes are like a black bead. It's wearing a small crown and a flower dress! 中午到了,该喂小鸡饭了。 我把饭给小鸡拿去。 小鸡看见我走到哪里,就跟到哪里,还在后面叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像在说:“小主人,快把食物给我们吃吧! ”。 我听了马上把食物给小鸡。 它们吃食物总是狼吞虎咽的,有时有些鸡吃不着食物,就站在别的鸡身上吃,真是太好玩了。 小鸡有时也有些淘气:你要是把食物放在旁边,不注意它们就会悄悄地偷吃。 有时你不小心把食物掉了点在脚上,小鸡会马上跑过来把它吃光。 它在你脚上吃东西的时候,你会感觉到好像在给你遥。 It's noon. It's time to feed the chickens. I'll take the rice to the chicken. When the chicken saw where I was going, it followed me and chirped at the back, as if to say, "little master, please give us food! ". I'll give the chicken the food as soon as I hear it. They always gobble up food. Sometimes some chickens can't eat food. It's so fun to stand on other chickens and eat. Sometimes chickens are naughty: if you put food aside, they will eat it quietly if you don't pay attention to it. Sometimes you accidentally drop some food on your feet, and the chicken will run to eat it up. When it's eating on your feet, you feel as if it's massaging you. 我家的小鸡可爱吧! My chicken is lovely!