我喜爱的变形金刚我有一个变形金刚玩具,这是我过七岁生日时,妈妈送给我的生日礼物。 我很喜欢它,每次做完作业,都会把它放在学习桌上,玩一会儿。 I have a transformer toy. It's my mother's birthday present for my seventh birthday. I like it very much. Every time I finish my homework, I will put it on the study table and play for a while. 你瞧,它遥是一个机器人,各个大关节都能转动,头能低下弯到腿那里呢,手能握住像铅笔粗细的东西,而且腿能分开,也能合上。 You see, it's a robot now. Each big joint can rotate, the head can bend down to the leg, the hand can hold something as thick and thin as a pencil, and the legs can be separated and closed. 换一种玩法,机器人马上变成了一辆遥运输车,机器人的头变成了卡着遥的装置。 遥要发射的时候,装置慢慢升起,然后整个遥呈45度倾斜,接着遥“点火”后,向目标“飞去,飞到一半,遥的后半部分脱落下来,前部分的尾部再伸出一个“推进器”。 终于遥撞毁了“敌人的基地”。 (是用木头积木摆得)For another way of playing, the robot immediately becomes a missile transport vehicle, and the robot's head becomes a device with a missile stuck. When the missile is to be launched, the device rises slowly, and then the whole missile tilts at a 45 degree angle. After the missile "ignites", it "flies" to the target, flies to the half, the second half of the missile falls off, and the rear part of the front part stretches out another "propeller". At last the missile knocked out the enemy's base. (it's made of wood blocks)再换一种玩法,那就是一只展翅奋飞的机器鹰,把“爪子”伸出来,再把后面的两只折叠翅膀掰到前面来,把折叠部分伸开,然后打开鹰背后的盖子,把机器鹰的头拿出来,装到两只翅膀中间 。 打开鹰的嘴巴,放进红遥的纸条,遥这只机器鹰就变成了传说中的火鸟,在喷射着灼热的火焰。 你瞧,几次变化,不一样外形,任你遥想象。 这样使我更爱这个变形金刚。 You see, several changes, different shapes, you can imagine freely. This makes me love the transformer more.