荔枝树我们家庭院里,有一棵高大的荔枝树。 There is a tall litchi tree in our family yard. 荔枝树在不同时间,不同季节,姿态各异,非常漂亮。 Litchi trees in different time, different seasons, different posture, very beautiful. 春天,荔枝树在春风中悄悄地发芽了,嫩绿的叶子探出了小脑袋,新奇地望着周围美好的遥。 同时,荔枝树开花了! 花很小,没有花瓣,和细小的喇叭花差不多。 满树淡遥或绿白遥的花朵散发出淡淡的清香,让人心醉。 In spring, litchi trees sprout quietly in the spring wind. The green leaves protrude their small heads and look at the beautiful spring light around them. At the same time, the litchi tree is blooming! The flower is very small, without petals, similar to the small Trumpet Flower. The light yellow or greenish white flowers of the trees give off a light fragrance, which makes people intoxicated. 夏末到了,荔枝树也结果了。 刚结出的果又小又青,后来慢慢长大,变红了,一簇簇荔枝沉甸甸的,把树枝压弯了腰,象个弯下腰的老婆婆。 在这丰收之际,我从树上摘了一颗荔枝,剥开鱼鳞似的皮,看见了白亮亮的遥,我咬了一口,感到有一种遥特的香味。 秋天的时侯,天气很凉爽,在清晨时,从荔枝树那绿油油的叶子上滚落下一颗颗晶莹饱满的‘珍珠’和‘钻石’。 就象是许多绿丝绸托着许多‘百珍珠’。 其实那‘珍珠’‘钻石’就是可爱的露珠呀! At the end of summer, the litchi trees also bear fruit. The fruit is small and green. Later, it grows up slowly and turns red. Clusters of lychees are heavy. They bend the branches like an old woman. At this time of harvest, I picked a litchi from the tree, peeled off the scales like skin, and saw the white and bright meat. I took a bite and felt a unique fragrance. In autumn, the weather is very cool. In the early morning, from the green leaves of litchi trees, there are many crystal clear and full 'pearls' and' diamonds'. It's like a lot of green silk holding a lot of "hundred pearls". In fact, the "Pearl" and "diamond" are lovely dewdrops! 随着时间推移,冬天到了,在傍晚,一缕缕金遥温暖的阳光照耀字荔枝树上,这时的荔枝树又象是一个披着金纱翩翩起舞的妙龄女郎。 As time goes on, winter comes. In the evening, a wisp of golden and warm sunshine shines on the litchi tree. At this time, the litchi tree looks like a young girl dancing in a golden veil. 荔枝树啊! 你在夏天给我乘凉,能给我吃到味道鲜美,营养丰富的荔枝,又给我带来了多少欢乐! Lychee tree! You give me cool in summer, can give me to eat delicious, nutritious litchi, and how much joy I have brought! 我爱荔枝树! I love lychees!