文竹一天,我到大姨家去玩。 走进哥哥的房间,看到书柜顶上有一盆文竹,长得清翠欲滴。 我欣喜地走过去仔细观看。 One day, I went to my aunt's house to play. Walking into my brother's room, I saw a basin of bamboo on the top of the bookcase. It was very green. I walked over with joy and watched carefully. 文竹的枝叶细细的,已经长了不少了。 叶子密密层层,挨挨挤挤的。 有几枝枝条长得可长了,从书柜顶上一直垂到地上。 文竹的叶子长得有点像柏树的叶子,一根根细细的,摸起来绒绒的。 The branches and leaves of Wenzhu are thin, and they have grown a lot. The leaves are thick and crowded. There are several branches that grow long, from the top of the bookcase to the ground. The leaves of the bamboo are a little like the leaves of the cypress. Each one is thin and feels fluffy. 如果把眼前的一盆文竹看作一件工艺品,那作者真是一位了不起的能工巧匠。 If we regard the present bamboo as a handicraft, the author is a great craftsman. 看着看着,我觉得自己仿佛就是其中的一根软软的枝条,穿着碧绿的衣裳,从书柜顶上悠闲地垂下来。 一阵微风吹过,我就轻轻摇摆,好像在跳舞。 不光是我一枝,所有的枝条都 在舞蹈。 风过了,我停止了舞蹈,静静地陪着哥哥认真地读书学习。 过了一会儿,我回过神来,才记起我不是文竹的枝叶,我是在看文竹呢! 我想,我要是能变成一棵美丽优雅的文竹该多好啊! After a while, I came back to remember that I am not the branches and leaves of Wenzhu. I am looking at Wenzhu! I think, if only I could become a beautiful and elegant bamboo!