遥节课遥我来到华光学校上遥节课,40分钟很快过去了,我一点都不怕,因为她是我们班主任遥老师。 Today, I came to Huaguang school for the first class. 40 minutes passed quickly. I'm not afraid at all, because she is our teacher in charge of the party. 语文课开始了,我的心情紧张啦,但那位老师介绍后,我的心情平静下来了。 听了她的介绍后,原来她是叫李向红的一位老师,她戴着一副眼镜,身穿大衣,看起来胖胖的。 李老师已经教书34年了。 她介绍完自己之后,她又叫每组一个同学自我介绍。 同学们的心怦怦直跳,心想,李老师会选谁呢? 只见李老师左瞧右瞧,她叫了一组一、二组二 三组三。 。 。 。 。 。 反正每组都有一个人自我介绍。 我们开始词语接龙游戏。 我们一人接一个地说:亲人、人们......虽然有些地方断啦,我们依然不放弃,李老师还给我们讲了学、记、用这三个字。 Let's start the word solitaire game. One by one, we said: relatives, people. . . Although some places are broken, we still don't give up. Mr. Li also told us three words: learn, remember and use. 李老师笑容满面地给我们上了一节快乐的课,但李老师上课很严肃,我听了李老师的自我介绍都有了很深的印象。 Mr. Li gave us a happy class with a big smile, but Mr. Li was very serious in class. I was deeply impressed by Mr. Li's self introduction. 这一天真开心! 给我留下了遥不忘的印象。 Happy day! It left a permanent impression on me.