秋天的雨秋天的雨,是一位公主,她有一把钥匙,悄悄的,悄悄的,趁你没留意,把秋天的房间打开了。 Autumn rain, is a princess, she has a key, quietly, quietly, while you did not pay attention to the autumn room opened. 秋天的雨,像一位画师。 看呢! 他把松树画的绿油油的,松叶像一根根绣花针,绣缌饲锾斓牧顾9袄锏墓鳎魃辖岢隽擞执笥痔鸬墓樱还a你挤我碰,争着人们去摘呢! 路边的野花,颜遥就更多了,金遥的、深红的、浅紫的。 。 。 。 。 。 这位画师,画出了秋天的凉爽,秋天的辉煌。 Autumn rain, like a painter. Look! He painted pine trees with green leaves and pine leaves like embroidery needles. He embroidered them carefully and carefully. He embroidered nine golden, crimson, and lavender flowers on the side of the road. . . . . . This painter, painted the cool autumn, the brilliant autumn. “小公主”有各种水果味的香水,苹果甜甜的,还有山楂,菠萝。 好多好多香甜的气味,都躲在“小公主”的柜子里呢! 人们的脚,常被那香味勾住。 "Little princess" has a variety of fruit flavored perfume, apple sweet, and hawthorn, pineapple. A lot of sweet smell, are hiding in the "little princess" cabinet! People's feet are often caught by the fragrance. 可爱的“小公主”,吹起了笛子,优美的音乐告诉大家,冬天快要来了。 大雁排成“一字”形遥字形向南方飞去,燕子也将要飞到南方。 槐树,梧桐树的叶子都飘到树妈妈的脚下。 动物、植物都在准备过冬。 Lovely "little princess", playing flute, beautiful music tells us that winter is coming. The wild geese form a "one character" and fly to the south. The swallows will also fly to the south. The leaves of pagoda tree and Chinese parasol tree float to the foot of the tree mother. Animals and plants are preparing for the winter. 秋天的雨,给动物、植物是一个提醒,给人们的是凉爽的日子。 Autumn rain is a reminder for animals and plants, and a cool day for people.