我家的小院我较爱我家的院子了。 I love my yard the most. 早晨一轮红日渐渐升起,给小院涂上了一层金遥。 鲜艳的花上挂着晶莹的露珠。 晨风夹带着它的香气迎面扑来。 In the morning, a red sun rose gradually, and painted the courtyard with a layer of golden yellow. There are crystal dew on the bright flowers. The morning wind comes with its fragrance. 院子西面有一个葡萄架,葡萄成熟了像一个个紫水晶挂在枝头显得格外诱人。 There is a grape trellis on the west side of the yard. When the grapes are ripe, they look like Amethyst hanging on the branches. 院子的东北角有一个花坛,里面种着各种各样的花草,有红红的玫瑰,粉红的月季。 There is a flower bed in the northeast corner of the yard. There are all kinds of flowers and plants, including red roses and pink roses. 院子的南面是一个大大的水池,里面有一群形态各异的金鱼,每当我放下鱼饵,金鱼们便一拥而上争先恐后地吃饵。 有一些鱼老挤在前面,我就压一下它的头,说:“不知好歹,让一下后面的同伴。 ”To the south of the yard is a large pool, in which there are a group of goldfish of different shapes. Whenever I put down the bait, the goldfish will rush to eat the bait. There are some fish always crowding in front of me. I will press its head and say, "I don't know what to do. Let the other fish behind me. "我家的小院真是如诗如画。 My yard is so picturesque.