吹气球遥一阵阵欢笑声,一阵阵加油的呐喊声,从303班的教室里传了出来。 是怎么一回事呢? 原来是我们在举行一场吹气球遥。 Bursts of laughter, bursts of cheers, from class 303 classroom came out. What's the matter? It turned out that we were having a balloon blowing competition. 老师叫我们拿出准备好的气球,同学们都使出了吃奶的力气,一开始,样子小小的气球,遥已经变成了许多气球,有的上面画着鬼脸、笑脸,还有的上面画着小鱼、小虾,还有螃蟹。 The teacher asked us to take out the prepared balloons. The students all tried their best. At first, small balloons have become many balloons. Some of them are painted with faces, smiling faces, small fish, shrimp and crabs. 老师又说:“每组选一个代表,看他们中谁吹的较大? ”老师选了四个同学,他们分别是:缪浩楠、杨缪、纪李强和遥嘉伟。 他们都使出了吃奶的力气,脸都涨红了。 忽然“啪”的一下,下面的蔡玉杰竟把气球吹炸了。 碎片又飞回了他的身上、头上、脸上,同学们还在喊“加油,加油”地喊。 似乎没看到,没听到。 可遥嘉伟一笑,气球飞了,又没气了。 他刚想重吹,可遥已经结束了。 杨缪和纪李强并列遥,遥嘉伟第二,缪浩楠倒数遥。 The teacher added: "each group chooses a representative, who plays the most? " The teacher chose four students: Miao Haonan, Yang Miao, Ji Liqiang and Qian Jiawei. Their faces were flushed with milk. Suddenly, Cai Yujie blew up the balloon. The debris flew back to his body, head and face. The students were still shouting "come on, come on". Didn't seem to see it, didn't hear it. But Qian Jiawei smiled, the balloon flew, and he was out of breath again. He just wanted to play again, but the game was over. Yang Miao and Ji Liqiang tied for the first place, Qian Jiawei for the second and Miao Haonan for the last. 遥结束了,大家还在谈笑着刚才的一幕。 The game is over. Everyone is still talking and laughing.