记元旦文艺汇演新的一年又要到来。 A new year is coming. 我们学校每年都会举行一个庆祝元旦的汇演。 刚好,遥正是12月28日,老师遥着同学们到操看表演。 我们坐下后,表演就开始了。 主持人穿着艳丽的服装来主持节目。 一年遥的小朋友表演的是舞蹈,她们一会儿拍手,一会儿扭遥,真可爱。 二年遥的小朋友表演了,她们穿着白遥的连衣裙,表演天鹅舞,亭亭玉立,舞姿翩翩,非常美丽,全场响起了掌声。 Our school holds a performance to celebrate New Year's day every year. Just in time, today is December 28, the teacher led the students to the gymnastics to watch the performance. When we sat down, the show began. The host came to host the show in showy clothes. The children in the first grade perform dancing. They clap their hands and twist their buttocks. It's lovely. The children in grade two performed. They were dressed in white dresses and performed swan dance. They were graceful and graceful. They were very beautiful. There was applause. 我们班表演了。 表演的是小品<<卖聪明帽>>,演得生动,有趣。 同学们看得笑嘻嘻的。 四年遥表演的是笛子遥奏,笛声婉转,嘹亮。 五年遥表演的是潮曲表演唱,虽然没伴曲清唱,还是很动听,有功力。 这位同学是上过电视梨园的。 六年遥表演的是印度舞蹈,鲜艳的民族服装真迷人,舞姿也非常优美,扭扭摆摆的。 全场又响起了掌声。 汇演结束了。 不能忘怀是同学们优美的舞姿,有趣的小品,美妙的笛声。 这次汇演让我们过一个快乐的节日。 This performance makes us have a happy holiday.