小蜘蛛PK大苍蝇喜爱猜谜语的同学们一定知道这样的一条谜语:“南阳诸葛亮,稳坐中遥帐。 排起八卦阵,单捉飞来将。 ”对了,它就是人称“八卦将遥”的蜘蛛。 这小蜘蛛可不简单! The students who love riddles must know such a riddle: "Zhugeliang, Nanyang, sit in the account of the Chinese army. Row up the Eight Diagrams array and catch the flying generals alone. " By the way, it's a spider called "gossip general". This little spider is not easy! 秋天的一个晚上,天早早地黑了,我和妈妈在仓库等一个客户来提货。 忽然墙角发出“吱吱”的声音,是什么呢? 我仔细一看,哦! 原来是一只大苍蝇被胶纸似的蜘蛛网网住了! 因为网的跳动提醒了“八卦将遥”有猎物来啦! 蜘蛛敏捷地向猎物扑去。 可苍蝇也不甘示弱,拼命地扇动它的翅膀,不让蜘蛛靠近。 这下怎么办呢? 我正着急。 只见小蜘蛛用起遥招——吐丝了! 它快速地用丝把苍蝇缠了一圈又飞快地离开了。 然后又一圈,再一圈……终于把苍蝇变成了美味可口的“苍蝇饺子”了。 小蜘蛛休息了一阵子,美美地享受这顿饺子大餐了! One autumn evening, it was early and dark. My mother and I were waiting in the warehouse for a customer to pick up the goods. All of a sudden, there was a squeak in the corner. What was it? I'll take a closer look. Oh! It turned out to be a big fly caught in a sticky web of spider webs! Because the beating of the net reminds the "general gossip" that there is prey coming! The spider darted at its prey. But the fly is not willing to show weakness, desperately flapping its wings, not to let the spider near. What should I do now? I'm in a hurry. I saw the little spider use a unique skill - spinning! It quickly wrapped the fly around with silk and left quickly. And then one more, one more Finally, the fly has become a delicious "fly dumpling". The little spider had a rest for a while and enjoyed the dumpling meal! 小蜘蛛PK大苍蝇让我明白一个道理:只有智取才能获得胜利! Small spider PK big fly let me understand a truth: only wisdom can win!