拍手歌你拍一,我拍一,认真学习要牢记。 You take one, I take one, study hard to remember. 你拍二,我拍二,为了祖国要努力。 You shoot two, I shoot two, for the motherland to work hard. 你拍三,我拍三,坏人坏事要揭穿。 You shoot three, I shoot three, bad people and bad things to expose. 你拍四,我拍四,学习不能自顾自。 You shoot four. I shoot four. I can't learn by myself. 你拍五,我拍五,好逸恶劳是耻辱。 You shoot five, I shoot five. It's a shame to be easygoing and hard-working. 你拍六,我拍六,我们尊老也爱幼。 You shoot six, I shoot six, we respect the old and love the young. 你拍七,我拍七,崇尚科学属遥。 You shoot seven, I shoot seven, advocating science is the first. 你拍八,我拍八,文明学生人人夸。 You shoot eight, I shoot eight, civilized students boast. 你拍九,我拍九,学生守则要尊守。 You shoot nine, I shoot nine, the student rules should be respected. 你拍十,我拍十,争做文明小卫士。 You shoot ten, I shoot ten, strive to be a little guard of civilization.