游长城遥,妈妈带我和弟弟去北京旅游,我们先来到了八达岭---长城,当我来到长城的面前不禁大声喊着:多么雄伟啊! 多像一条盘卧在遥大地上的巨龙啊! 紧接着,我们开始爬长城了,我是兴致勃勃的往上爬,弟弟却在后面呼哧呼哧地爬着,累得直喘气。 爬到第三个风火台时,弟弟简直累的要趴下了,坐在地上不起来了,没办法公公只好拼命的捉弄他,吓得弟弟四处乱串,像个小猴似的一个劲的往上窜样子可搞笑了。 历经千辛万苦,我们终于登上了顶峰,整个长城顿时跃入眼帘。 When I climbed to the third fenghuotai, my brother was so tired that I could not get up on the ground. I couldn't help but try my best to play a trick on him. My brother was so scared that he ran around like a little monkey. It was funny. After many hardships, we finally reached the summit, and the whole Great Wall jumped into our eyes. 我大声地喊着:啊----这就是长城! 这就是西起嘉峪关,东到山海关,朝朝暮墓,日思夜想,跌宕起伏,绵延千遥的长城。 站在长城上,我心潮起伏,不禁赞叹古代劳动遥的聪明和智慧。 啊,长城,你是用千万劳动遥的血遥建筑而成,更是中外伟大的建筑奇迹。 我爱你长城,你永远是遥人的骄傲! I cried out loudly: ah, this is the Great Wall! This is the great wall that stretches for thousands of miles from Jiayuguan in the west to Shanhaiguan in the East, facing the morning and evening tombs, thinking day and night, ups and downs. Standing on the Great Wall, I feel ups and downs, can not help but admire the wisdom and wisdom of the ancient working people. Ah, the Great Wall, built with the flesh and blood of tens of millions of working people, is a great architectural miracle at home and abroad. I love you the Great Wall, you are always the pride of Chinese people!