读《好日子》你过上了好日子吗? 你们都觉得是! 遥的生活已经比以前过得好了,但也要珍惜每样东西,每时每刻。 Have you had a good life? You all think so! Now life is better than before, but we should cherish everything and every moment. 《好日子》这篇文章主要写的是:要用自己的努力,争取每天和家人过上好的日子。 "Good days" this article is mainly about: to use their own efforts to strive for a good life with their families every day. 我知道了,如果想过上好日子,就不能整天幻想着金戈铁马,燕赵悲歌,要以平常人的心态,享受粗茶淡饭,这样,我们已经很满足了。 I've learned that if you want to have a good life, you can't dream about the golden age and the tragic songs of Yanzhao all day long. You should enjoy the simple food and drink with the mentality of ordinary people. In this way, we are satisfied. 而且,内心要充满阳光,一心一意地享受各种各样的精彩。 Moreover, the heart should be full of sunshine and enjoy all kinds of wonderful things wholeheartedly. 所以,正如我所说的,“只要靠努力,就一定能过上好日子。 如果,你不靠努力,你一辈子也别想过好日子。 ”So, as I said, "as long as we work hard, we will be able to live a good life. ". If you don't work hard, you will never think of a good life. "