一只可爱的QQ有一只名叫qq的企鹅,它整体看上去很像一个涂上黑遥的鸡蛋。 There is a penguin named QQ. It looks like a black egg on the whole. 它的头很像地球的一半部分,还像大饼。 它的嘴巴像一个三角形,而且,它看起来像一只没有腿,只有脚的企鹅。 Its head is like half of the earth, and it's like a big cake. Its mouth is like a triangle, and it looks like a penguin with no legs and only feet. qq的脚像一块饼干,好像被人用很重的物体压偏了它的脚。 它的手像带着一双黑手套,而且,还穿着一套黑遥的服装,好像要演戏里面的主角。 qq的身体像一只不倒翁,整天在转。 为什么qq没有牙齿? 它还像一只有翅膀却不会飞的企鹅。 它还围着一条红遥的围巾! qq的眼睛一只张开,一只闭着,好像很开心。 QQ's foot is like a biscuit. It seems that someone has biased its foot with a heavy object. It's like wearing a pair of black gloves, and, also wearing a set of black clothes, as if to play the protagonist. QQ's body is like a tumbler, turning all day. Why does QQ have no teeth? It's like a penguin with wings but can't fly. It's also surrounded by a red scarf! QQ's eyes are open and closed one by one, as if they are very happy. qq的尾巴很短,像一只兔子的尾巴。 QQ has a short tail, like a rabbit's tail.