奶奶2007年4月26日晚,爸爸接到爷爷打来的电话说奶奶住院了,爸爸便匆匆出门了。 第二天早晨,我接到了爸爸的电话,爸爸告诉我奶奶去世了,当我听到这个消息时泪水止不住的流了下来,我不禁想起了小时候的事,小时候爸爸妈妈没时间照顾我,就把我放在奶奶家,那时我只有三岁很不懂事,有时我会和别的小朋友吵架,奶奶就去替我向人家道歉,有时我不想睡午觉,奶奶就唱摇篮曲给我听,每当我被噩梦惊醒时,都会有一种柔和的声音来安慰我……,如今奶奶已走,当我和别的小朋友吵架,谁来替我去道歉,当我睡不着觉时又有谁来唱摇篮曲给我听,当我被噩梦惊醒时,又有谁来安慰我……On the evening of April 26, 2007, my father received a phone call from my grandfather saying that my grandmother was in hospital, and my father hurried out. The next morning, I received a phone call from my father. My father told me that my grandmother had died. When I heard this news, tears flowed down. I couldn't help thinking about my childhood. When I was a child, my father and mother didn't have time to take care of me, so they put me in my grandmother's house. At that time, I was only three years old and very ignorant. Sometimes I would quarrel with other children, and my grandmother would go and talk to others for me Apologize. Sometimes I don't want to take a nap. Grandma sings me a lullaby. Whenever I wake up from a nightmare, there is a soft voice to comfort me Now grandma has gone. When I quarrel with other children, who will apologize for me? When I can't sleep, who will sing me lullaby? When I wake up from a nightmare, who will comfort me奶奶,自从您走后,您的孙女,没有一时不在想您,奶奶,您是否也想我。 Grandma, since you left, your granddaughter has been missing you for a while. Grandma, do you miss me. 奶奶,我们不能没有您,您也不能没有我们,遥弟弟成绩好了,也比以前懂事了,我也不像以前那样淘气了,您就安心上路吧,我会永远想您的。 Grandma, we can't do without you and you can't do without us. Now my brother is better and wiser than before. I'm not as naughty as I used to be. Just get on your way, I'll miss you forever.