森林里的神医一天,一棵年老体弱的大树得病了。 小动物们听到了这个消息,就召开一个会议,会上说:“谁有办法治好大树的病,就被称为森林里的神医。 ”可是,小动物们都有自己的本遥,没有一个能治好大树的病。 突然,从天空上飞下来一只啄木鸟,说:“我有办法治好大树的病。 ”可是,小动物们都不相信,还说:“你能治好大树的病,我就拜你为师! ”到了第二天,啄木鸟去找那棵年老体弱的大树,它东找西找,终于找到了那棵大树,只见那棵大树已经树叶落尽,好像是病得很严重。 啄木鸟马上飞到大树的身体上,啄了一下,大树马上喊:“救命啊! 痛死我了! ”啄木鸟有礼貌地说:“大树先生,你的体内有虫子,如果再不把它啄出来,会危及到你的生命! ”大树听了,就有点害怕,就相信了啄木鸟,它忍着巨痛,过了一会儿,从大树的身体里出来了一条又一条的大虫子。 到了第二天,年老体弱的大树就变成了年轻力壮的大树了,枝头上都长着茂密的树叶。 从此,大家都叫啄木鸟森林里的神医。 One day, an old and frail tree got sick. When the little animals heard the news, they held a meeting at which they said, "Whoever has a way to cure the disease of the big tree is called the miracle doctor in the forest. " However, all the small animals have their own abilities, and none of them can cure the disease of big trees. Suddenly, a woodpecker came down from the sky and said, "I have a way to cure the disease of big trees. " However, the little animals didn't believe it and said, "if you can cure the disease of the big tree, I will take you as my teacher! " The next day, the woodpecker went to look for the old and frail tree. He looked east and West, and finally found the tree. He saw that the tree had lost all its leaves, as if it was seriously ill. The woodpecker immediately flew to the body of the tree and pecked it. The tree immediately shouted, "help! It's killing me! " The woodpecker said politely, "Mr. big tree, there are insects in your body. If you don't peck them out again, it will endanger your life! " When the big tree heard this, he was a little afraid and believed in the woodpecker. He endured great pain. After a while, one big insect came out of the big tree. The next day, the old and frail tree became a young and strong tree, with thick leaves on its branches. Since then, everyone has been called the doctor in the woodpecker forest.