神奇的大树有一天,一只活泼可爱的小白兔来到一棵大树下乘凉。 突然,树上“啪啪啪”地掉下几粒糖来,小兔边拍手边说:“下糖雨了,下糖雨了。 ”她连忙像小燕子一样地飞过去,把地上的糖拿起来,放到口袋里。 又跑到家里去把刚才的事情对妈妈说了一遍。 妈妈惊奇地问:“快带我去看看。 ”小白兔就指路,兔妈妈跟在后面,她们一起来到大树下,她们一起抬起头,兔妈妈说:“除了茂密的叶子之外,另外什么都没有。 ”突然,后面来了小兔的朋友小狗在说:“小兔,我们去玩,好不好? ”小兔说:“好。 ”可是,小兔和她妈妈刚一走,这大树就不见了。 这大树真神奇啊! One day, a lovely little white rabbit came to a tree to enjoy the cool. Suddenly, a few pieces of sugar fell from the tree. The little rabbit clapped his hands and said, "it's raining sugar. It's raining sugar. " She flew like a swallow, picked up the sugar and put it in her pocket. I ran home again and told my mother what I had just done. My mother asked in surprise, "take me to have a look. " The little white rabbit pointed the way, and the mother rabbit followed. They came to the tree together, and raised their heads together. The mother rabbit said, "except for the thick leaves, there is nothing else. " All of a sudden, a friend of the little rabbit, the little dog, was saying, "little rabbit, let's play, shall we? " "Good," said the little rabbit However, as soon as the little rabbit and her mother left, the big tree disappeared. This tree is amazing!