遥记遥是星期六,妈妈带我去医院打遥预防针。 因为我以前也打过预防针,所以这遥我一点也不紧张,一路上我还和妈妈有说有笑的呢! 到了医院,哇! 等待遥的人可真多! 注射室外边的凳子根本不够坐。 我们把注射单交上去,就耐心地站着等。 好不容易才听到医生叫我的名字,我和妈妈迫不及待地走进注射室。 进了注射室,我看见一位小妹妹正在抹眼泪,她的妈妈一边安慰她,一边帮她用棉签按住针口。 原来她已经打过了。 “肯定很疼,不然她怎么打完了针还哭呢? ”我的心里不禁紧张起来。 我紧紧地抓住妈妈的手。 妈妈看我害怕了,就轻抚着我的头,温柔地说:“你是个勇敢的孩子,只要你放松一些,你就不会觉得疼了。 ”我听了妈妈的话,心情放松了些,再想想,我都快九岁了,这一点点疼怕什么? 我把袖子卷起,手臂叉腰。 Entering the injection room, I saw a little sister wiping tears. Her mother comforted her and helped her to hold the needle with a cotton swab. It turned out that she had already called. "It must be very painful, otherwise how can she cry after the injection? " My heart couldn't help getting nervous. I held my mother's hand tightly. When my mother saw that I was afraid, she stroked my head and said softly, "you are a brave child. As long as you relax, you won't feel any pain. " I listened to mother's words, the mood relaxed some, think again, I almost nine years old, this little bit of pain afraid of what? I rolled up my sleeves and crossed my arms. 医生走过来,用棉签沾了点酒精,在我手臂上轻柔地搽了搽。 我感觉凉凉的,真舒服! 医生一边为我遥手臂,一边把针扎了进去。 我只觉得好象被什么虫子咬了一下,很痛,但很快又不痛了。 医生把针抽了出来,递给我一根棉签,叫我压住针口。 The doctor came over, dabbed some alcohol with a cotton swab, and dabbed it gently on my arm. I feel cool, so comfortable! As the doctor massaged my arm, he pricked the needle in. I just feel as if I have been bitten by some insect. It's very painful, but it doesn't hurt any more soon. The doctor took out the needle, handed me a cotton swab, and told me to press the needle. 我得意地向妈妈望去,妈妈正用赞许的眼光微笑地看着我呢! I proudly look to my mother, who is looking at me with a smile of approval!