学炒菜星期天的中午,我肚子饿得呱呱叫,想到如果我自己做道菜该多好呀! 于是就叫妈妈教我做我较爱吃的西红柿炒鸡蛋。 我和妈妈开始炒菜了,妈妈先把两个鸡蛋打碎,把鸡蛋汁流进小碗里,放少许盐,用筷子和匀。 再找来两个西红柿,用那锋利的菜刀把红红的西红柿切成8小半。 然后打开火,把锅放上去,锅里加入适量的油。 较后,就是我的任务炒菜呢! 先把蛋汁倒进锅,锅里一下子长出了泡泡,我拿着锅铲把蛋块翻来覆去,那些油溅起来烫得我要命,再把西红柿倒进锅,和蛋块混合后,把蛋块和和西红柿捣成碎片,越小越好,这样更入味,然后放入盐和味精,翻炒几下,较后就起锅。 看着香喷喷的红青、红遥的鸡蛋西红柿,我心理高兴遥了,尝了一口,味道真鲜美,妈妈吃起脸上都露出了笑容,直表扬我。 Find two more tomatoes and cut the red tomatoes into eight and a half pieces with the sharp knife. Then turn on the fire, put the pot on, and add some oil into the pot. Finally, it's my task to cook! First, pour the egg juice into the pot, and the bubbles suddenly appear in the pot. I take the spatula and turn the egg blocks over and over. The oil splashes and burns me to death. Then pour the tomatoes into the pot, mix them with the egg blocks, and mash the egg blocks and tomatoes into pieces. The smaller the better, the more tasty. Then put salt and MSG into the pot, stir fry them for several times, and finally start the pot. Looking at the fragrant red, green, red and yellow eggs and tomatoes, I was very happy. I tasted them. They tasted delicious. My mother smiled on her face and praised me. 我应该更加努力,让妈妈在我的面前竖起大母指,对我刮目相看。 I should work harder to let my mother erect her big finger in front of me.