擦书桌暑假虽然离我远去了,可我在暑假中擦书桌的情景却深深地刻在我的脑海里。 那是暑假的一个下午,遥辣的太阳照射着大地,知了也在树上不停地叫,好像在说:“真热啊,真热啊! ”我想:爸爸。 妈妈上班真辛苦,我应该趁放暑假为他们减轻一点负担,尽一点我当女儿的孝心,把书桌擦干净。 说干就干,我找来了抹布。 盆子和洗衣粉,就学着妈妈的样子干了起来。 为了不使书弄湿,我先把书清理好放在凳子上。 然后打来一盆水,把抹布打湿后拧干,还撒了一点洗衣粉在桌面上,就用抹布擦起来。 先擦桌面,再擦桌子的边沿,上下左右也不放过。 擦了一遍,又擦第二遍。 经过努力,汗水虽然顺着脸颊流下来,可书桌却改变了模样。 我正想高兴,但仔细一瞧,书桌的右上角有个小黑点,它好像在嘲笑我:小主人,怎么样,把我无可奈何吧! 我想一定要把小黑点清除掉,让我的书桌变得漂亮。 于是,我用洗衣粉反复地擦,可小黑点还是一动不动。 怎么办,是前进还是后退? 我决定前进,便去请教爸爸,爸爸看了看小黑点,抚摸着我的头说:“孩子,那是油漆,要用酒精才能除掉它。 ”于是,我找来了酒精,在爸爸的帮助下,小黑点被我征服了。 Wipe it once, and then a second time. After hard work, sweat flowed down my cheeks, but my desk changed. I just want to be happy, but look carefully, there is a small black spot in the upper right corner of the desk. It seems to laugh at me: little master, how can I do nothing! I think I must get rid of the little black spots to make my desk beautiful. So, I used the washing powder to wipe it repeatedly, but the little black spot was still motionless. What to do, forward or backward? When I decided to move forward, I went to ask my father. He looked at the little black spot, stroked my head and said, "boy, it's paint. It needs alcohol to get rid of it. " So, I found alcohol, with the help of my father, I conquered the little black spot. 我看着干净的书桌,整齐的书籍,疲劳早已飞到了九霄云外。 I look at the clean desk, neat books, fatigue has already flown to the sky.