樱花开啦星期天早上,我懒洋洋地起了遥。 当我打开窗时,意外地发现,草地上那株又高又大的樱桃树上,开满了一簇簇白里透红的樱花。 “樱花开啦! 樱花开啦! ”我兴奋地喊着,边喊边跑下了楼。 我走近樱花树,迎面扑来了一阵淡淡的幽香。 我闻着花香,细细地欣赏起樱花来。 樱花有五片花瓣,每片花瓣都嫩嫩的、白白的,隐隐还透出一丝红遥来。 一群辛勤的“劳动者”——蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡地飞着,它们忙碌地为樱花遥着花粉,也把春天的气息带到了每一个角落。 I smell the flowers and appreciate the cherry blossom. The cherry blossom has five petals, each of which is tender, white, and faintly red. A group of hard-working "workers" - bees are buzzing in the flowers. They are busy spreading pollen for the cherry blossom and bringing the breath of spring to every corner.