观灯正月十三的晚上,我和妈妈、小姑一家去看灯展。 我们一下车就被眼前的景象吸引了,只见门楼上一条灯做的彩虹上,一位老神仙举着佛尘,正遥笑着。 旁边还有两条龙正在遥一粒珠子,妈妈告诉我这叫“双龙戏珠”。 走进大门一看,这真是一片灯的海洋,光的世界。 有龙灯、花灯,各种彩灯相互映衬,流光溢彩,美不胜收。 往里走,右边有漂亮的孔雀灯。 一只孔雀正在开屏,瞧,它多傲慢! 前面的那只孔雀禁不住回过头来羡慕地看着它,好像在说:“你真美啊! ”孔雀灯旁边还有螃蟹灯、贝壳灯、仙鹤灯和乌龟灯,它们或表演或深思,栩栩如生。 再往里走就是一条灯谜长廊,里面挂了许多灯谜。 这是供游客猜的,如果猜中了还可以得到一份礼物呢! 可是我们一上也没猜中,真可惜! 我们穿过灯谜长廊,就看见神奇的十二生肖园。 这些动物们不仅神态各异,还会发出声音。 站在这里就像来到了动物园。 看完十二生肖,我们又参观了“神州五号”,只见一架写着“遥航天”的白遥飞船冲入云霄,美丽的嫦娥仙子乘着云朵飞来,好像在说:“我飞了很多年,已经累了,就借用一下遥遥的成果——飞船,送我一程吧。 ”Further inside is a riddle corridor with many riddles. This is for tourists to guess. If you do, you can get a gift! But we didn't get it right. What a pity! Through the lantern riddle corridor, we can see the magical twelve zodiac gardens. These animals not only have different looks, but also make sounds. Standing here is like coming to the zoo. After watching the Chinese zodiac, we visited Shenzhou V again. We saw a white spaceship written "China Aerospace" flying into the sky. The beautiful Chang'e fairy flew in the clouds, as if to say, "I've been flying for many years, and I'm tired. Let's borrow the fruit of the Chinese people - spaceship, give me a ride. "我们还观看了“五子佛”和“年年有鱼”、“金鸡报晓”,都非常生动有趣。 多么开心的夜晚! 真希望年年都能观看到这么美丽的灯展。 We also watched "Wuzi Buddha" and "fish every year" and "Golden Rooster announcing the dawn", which are very lively and interesting. What a happy night! I wish I could see such a beautiful light show every year.