冬天下雪了,一片片雪花从天上飘落下来,不一会儿,地上、树上、房顶上都变成白遥的了。 第二天清早,雪停了,天也晴了,这时,地上已经积了一层厚厚的雪,几个小学生在一起打雪仗。 我和奶奶在一起堆雪人,我们堆了一个很大很大的雪人。 “扑嗵”一声,我吓了一大跳,回头一看,原来有人滑倒了。 我想:既然路面这么滑,那我为什么不能在路面上滑冰? 于是我小心地在冰上一滑,果然滑走了。 我滑呀、滑呀,忽然间未留神,滑到了一个结了薄冰的水洼里,“咯吱,咯吱”的声音从我的脚下传出来,我一看,不好! 原来是冰碎了,说时迟、那时快,我一下子就掉进了水洼里,一双鞋子全湿了。 奶奶心疼地喊着:“唉哟! 冻坏了! 冻坏了! 赶快回家换鞋! ”可我觉得很开心。 I thought: since the road is so slippery, why can't I skate on the road? So I skated carefully on the ice, and I did. I skate, skate, and suddenly I don't pay attention to it. I slide into a puddle with thin ice. The sound of "creak, creak" comes from my feet. I don't think it's good! It turned out that the ice was broken. It was too late to say, but it was too fast. I fell into a puddle all of a sudden. A pair of shoes were all wet. Grandma cried heartily, "Ouch! It's freezing! It's freezing! Go home and change your shoes! " But I feel very happy. 在我眼里,冬天是美丽的,一年四季都是美丽的。 In my eyes, winter is beautiful, all the year round is beautiful.