遥堂课啊,开学了,作文班也开始上课了。 遥下午,是遥堂作文课,我一走进教室,就看见了教我们的江老师,他的样子怪吓人的,长着长长的头发,戴着一副眼睛,还长着又黑又长的胡须。 我第遥看到他,我以为江老师脾气不好。 但江老师的脾气正和我想的相反,江老师看起来很凶,其实,江老师很幽默。 给我们讲了很多小马虎的故事,其中有几个故事很好笑,很多同学肚子都笑痛了。 我讲给你们听听:“遥个是:有一天下起了大雨,有一个小朋友就写了一段话,不小心把伞写成了命。 他写:下雨了,我们家没有好命,只有一把破命。 第二个是:有个孩子的娘在城里,那个孩子想娘,要去找娘,在半路给娘写了一封信,他写:亲爱的狼啊,昨天有一头老娘被打死了。 ”I'll tell you: "the first one is: one day when it rained heavily, a little friend wrote a paragraph, accidentally writing an umbrella as his life. He wrote: it's raining. There is no good life in our family, only one broken. The second is: there is a child's mother in the city. The child thinks of her and wants to find her. He wrote a letter to her halfway. He wrote: Dear wolf, yesterday an old woman was killed. "太好笑了。 快要下课的时候,老师在黑板上写了“我能行”三个字,老师在鼓励我们,对呀,我相信我一定能行。 It's funny. Near the end of class, the teacher wrote "I can do it" on the blackboard. The teacher encouraged us. Yes, I believe I can.