葡萄我爱吃水果,有红彤彤的苹果,小巧的香梨,甜而爽的西瓜…………。 但我较爱吃的水果是葡萄。 它不仅仅是玲珑多姿,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口。 I love fruit, there are red apples, small pears, sweet and refreshing watermelons. But my favorite fruit is grapes. It is not only exquisite and colorful, but also sweet and delicious grapes. 葡萄没成熟时,葡萄皮是翠绿遥的。 像一颗颗碧玉似的翡翠,晶莹剔透。 每年秋天,葡萄成熟了。 由于葡萄品种很多。 葡萄大小不一,颜遥各异。 有白遥、紫遥、绿遥、红遥……When the grapes are not ripe, their skins are emerald green. Emerald like Jasper, crystal clear. Every autumn, the grapes ripen. Because there are many varieties of grapes. Grapes vary in size and color. There are white, purple, green, red在那又大又绿的葡萄叶下,挂着一串串晶莹透明的葡萄,紫红遥的、碧绿遥的,圆圆的,好像一颗颗不同颜遥的宝石。 置身其中犹如进入珠宝的世界。 轻轻扒开葡萄皮,一个嫩嫩的果遥遥你的眼前。 果遥半透明的看上去像水晶,像玛瑙。 散发着迷人的香味,使人口水直流。 迫不及待放入口中,细嚼一下,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在我的嘴里,久久不会消失。 让人回味无穷。 葡萄不光好吃,它含丰富维生素C。 还有很多用途。 Under the large and green grape leaves, there are strings of crystal clear grapes, purplish red, turquoise and round, like gemstones of different colors. Being in it is like entering the world of jewelry. Gently peel off the grape skin, and a tender pulp appears in front of your eyes. Translucent pulp looks like crystal, like agate. It emits charming fragrance and makes people drool. I can't wait to put it into my mouth and chew it carefully. The sweet and delicious juice seeps all over my body. The sweet and Zizi flavor remains in my mouth for a long time. It's memorable. Grapes are not only delicious, they are rich in vitamin C. There are many other uses. 能制成葡萄干,加工各种各样的糕点,还能酿成美味香甜的葡萄酒,供大家品尝。 葡萄皮有润肤作用。 Can be made into raisins, processing a variety of pastries, but also into delicious sweet wine for everyone to taste. Grape skin can moisturize skin. 我爱葡萄更爱吃葡萄,你喜欢吗? I love grapes more than grapes. Do you like them?