洗菜遥下午,我回到家里,看到菜没洗。 我把青菜拿出来,学着妈妈的样子,先用刀把菜根切去,再把菜叶一片片地剥下来。 我把遥菜叶放在一边,绿菜叶搁进篮子里。 This afternoon, I came home to see the dishes were not washed. I took out the green vegetables, like my mother, first cut the roots with a knife, and then peeled the leaves one by one. I put the yellow leaves aside and the green ones in the basket. 我一片片地摘着,突然看见一条大青虫趴在一片绿菜叶上,软绵绵的,毛茸茸的,吓了我一大跳。 我顺手把那片叶子扔掉了。 看着扔掉的菜叶,我心想:妈妈遥累月地洗菜,不知遇到过多少条大青虫,要是都像我这样把菜叶扔掉了,不知要浪费多少菜叶啊! 一条青虫有什么可怕的! 我壮着胆子,鼓起勇气,从地上拾起那片菜叶,硬着头皮从叶子上把青虫捏起,随手扔到地上,一脚踩死。 我真像打了胜仗一样高兴,哼着歌继续摘菜叶。 摘完菜叶后,我一遍遍地冲洗菜叶,把菜洗得干干净净。 看着水灵灵的菜叶静静地躺在篮子里,心里别提有快乐。 I picked one by one, and suddenly saw a big green insect lying on a green vegetable leaf, soft and fluffy, which scared me. I threw the leaf away. Looking at the leaves, I thought to myself: my mother has been washing vegetables for years and months, and I don't know how many big green insects she has met. If she throws them away like me, I don't know how many leaves she will waste! What's terrible about a green worm! With courage and courage, I picked up the vegetable leaf from the ground, pinched the green insect from the leaf, threw it on the ground and stepped on it to death. I was as happy as I had won the battle, humming and picking vegetables. After picking the leaves, I washed them over and over again to make them clean. Looking at the green leaves lying quietly in the basket, don't mention the joy. 遥,我帮妈妈洗了菜,感觉自己长大了,以后还要多帮大人做事,做个懂事的孩子。 Today, I washed vegetables for my mother. I feel that I have grown up. I will help more adults to work and be a sensible child.