过年与春节的习俗一到12月27日,妈妈就带我上街买鞭遥和对联。 On December 27, my mother took me to the street to buy firecrackers and couplets. 我们来到街上,妈妈拉着我走啊,走啊。 我看到了许许多多整整齐齐的鞭遥和对联,一转头,看见我去年买的几种对联,我拉拉妈妈的手说:“妈妈买。 ”妈妈就带我来到那一问店中,我挑了几种说:“妈妈,这些各买一盒。 ”妈妈亲切地对我说:“好! ”然后我们付了遥,我们拿着东西,又来到里面买白菜、花菜、空心菜、鸡、鸭、鱼、遥等主食,我们跑了好几趟,终于把年货全买齐了。 We came to the street, my mother took me to go, go. I saw many neat firecrackers and couplets. Turning around, I saw several couplets I bought last year. My mother's hand said, "Mom bought them. " My mother took me to the shop, and I picked out a few and said, "Mom, buy one box each of these. " My mother said to me kindly, "OK! " Then we paid. We took our things and went to buy cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, chicken, duck, fish, meat and other staple foods. We ran several times and finally bought all the new year's products. 大年三十下午,爸爸已经准备好浆糊贴对联了,我就和爸爸拿着对联来到大门下,爸爸把浆糊涂在门墙上,我们急忙把对联贴了上去。 除夕家家户户都要吃团圆饭,我们也不例外,我们一家子团聚在桌子边,一起吃团圆饭,喝团圆汤,欢迎新的一年到来,妈妈一边吃一边吩咐我说:“不能打破东西,也不能说”坏话,呀! 到了初一,早上吃了一碗热呼呼的面线糊和甜鸡蛋,爸爸妈妈和我来到爸爸妈妈、叔叔阿姨、外公外婆家拜年,人人都说我“长高了,懂事了,学习进步了。 ” 每个人都给我红包,我对他们说:“恭喜发财,新年快乐。 ”正月十五的时候,我们这里就不像北方那么热闹了,只是吃“状元圆”而已,可是,听说世纪公园、泉州公园晚上却是灯火通明,一眼望去,都能看见几百盏灯来,要是我能亲眼一见,那就太好了。 On the 15th day of the first month, we were not so busy here as in the north. We just ate the "champion yuan". However, it is said that century park and Quanzhou park are well lit at night. At a glance, we can see hundreds of lights. If I could see them with my own eyes, it would be great.