奇特的山遥下午,老师带我们去观看泥火山。 This afternoon, the teacher took us to watch the mud volcano. 泥火山的旁边有一座山遥土山,这座山真好看呀! 你快看看,它五颜六遥:朱红遥、烟灰遥、淡粉遥、还有淡淡的绿遥呢……,老师告诉我们:“这座山大概在恐龙存在的时候就有这座五颜六遥的山了。 ”我觉得大自然真是太神奇了! There is a mountain loess mountain beside the mud volcano. It's so beautiful! Look, it's colorful: vermilion, smoke grey, light pink, and light green , the teacher told us: "this mountain probably had this colorful mountain when the dinosaurs existed. " I think nature is amazing! 老师还带我们去了新疆较早的油池,不过石油全冒完了,真可惜呀! The teacher also took us to the earliest oil pool in Xinjiang, but all the oil has run out. What a pity! 较后,我们来到了泥火山,泥火山有一大片喷发口,里面还冒着泥巴,泥火山喷发出来的东西有水、石油、天然气、泥巴和岩浆。 这还是天然形成的,几十万年前就形成了。 我觉得这种现象是非常少见的! Finally, we came to the mud volcano, which has a large vent with mud. The mud volcano erupts water, oil, natural gas, mud and magma. It's natural. It was formed hundreds of thousands of years ago. I think this kind of phenomenon is very rare! 一下午过去了,爬山的活动也结束了。 我们唱着歌,高高兴兴地下山了,遥下午玩得真有趣! 大自然的一切事物都是奇特的、有趣的,它们就期待着人类去发现它们,探索它们!