大雨深夜,一场飘泼大雨光临了我们静悄悄的夜晚。 哗啦啦、轰隆隆、轰隆隆……这刺耳的声音把我从梦中唤醒。 Late at night, a heavy rain came to our quiet night. Hula, rumble, rumble The harsh voice roused me from my dream. 我透过窗户看见天空中电闪雷鸣,风婆婆放开了风口袋,把树都吹弯了腰。 雷公公打起了鼓。 这时闪电猛的一闪,我吓得心怦怦直跳,就像怀揣了一只小兔子,我赶紧钻进被窝。 “哗、哗”的声音又从我耳边响起了。 开始,我翻来覆去怎么也睡不着,后来我把那哗哗的雨声当做了美妙的音乐。 不一会,我就进入了梦乡。 可是,雷声、风声交杂着,不停地侵磨着我的耳朵,我又睡不着了。 Through the window, I saw the lightning and thunder in the sky. The mother-in-law of the wind opened her pocket and bent the trees. Grandpa Lei plays a drum. At this time, the lightning flash, my heart pounding with fear, like a small rabbit in my arms, I hurried into the bed. "Hua, Hua" sound from my ear. At first, I couldn't sleep. Later, I took the sound of rain as a wonderful music. After a while, I fell asleep. However, the thunder and wind are mixed and constantly grinding my ears. I can't sleep again. 过一会儿,声音渐渐小了,我起身向窗外望去,看见雨已经停了,天也亮了,地面上的积水有十五厘米深,人们都走出家门,有的在掏水,有的在看路上的过往车辆;有的车在水里行驶就像船一样,有的车牌子丢了在寻找……After a while, the voice gradually decreased. I stood up and looked out of the window. I saw that the rain had stopped and the day was bright. The water on the ground was 15 cm deep. People came out of the house, some were digging out the water, some were looking at the passing vehicles on the road. Some were driving in the water just like boats, some were looking for the lost car brand这雨水是盘锦十五年来较大的一场雨,我会永远把它记在心里的。 This rain is the biggest rain in Panjin in 15 years. I will always remember it in my heart.