我家楼下的大花园我家楼下的大花园草木茂盛。 The big garden downstairs is luxuriant. 从门口进来的大道两旁种满了翠绿的白兰树,一到春天,白兰树就会开出一朵朵白遥的花,人们从这里经过能闻到花的香味。 There are green brandy trees planted on both sides of the avenue coming in from the door. In the spring, the brandy trees will open a white flower. People can smell the fragrance of the flower when passing here. 路的左边食葱绿苍翠的大草坪,草坪的四周有许多大树,每一棵都枝繁叶茂。 清早,老人们在树下做做早操和踢毽子。 上午,小朋友们都到草地上玩耍,有的在骑自行车,有的在学走路,还有的在跑来跑去。 早上的空气真好! 草地的旁边是足球场,早上人们在那儿打羽毛球,下午中学生就在那儿踢足球,把球踢得又高又远。 足球场的附近有一个大大的游泳池,还有一个娃娃泳池。 On the left side of the road, there is a large green lawn. There are many trees around the lawn, each of which is luxuriant. In the early morning, the old people do morning exercises and kick shuttlecock under the tree. In the morning, the children all play on the grass, some are riding bicycles, some are learning to walk, and some are running around. Good morning air! Next to the grass is the football field. In the morning, people play badminton there. In the afternoon, middle school students play football there. They play the ball high and far. There is a big swimming pool and a baby pool near the football field. 池子里的水淡绿。 夏天到了,许许多多的人在池子里玩,有的在打水仗,有的在游泳。 我家楼下的大花园真棒!