扫地遥是星期一,我们六组做值日。 我负责拖地。 因为拖把不湿,我只好和李程程一起把拖把从三楼拖到一楼冲洗。 刚刚干的时候,我觉得拖地很简单,可每想到干起来就难了。 虽然拖把很沉,但我为了不失面子,装着拖把很轻的样子,把它使劲举起来向前跑,眼睛不屑一顾地看着同学,得意了起来。 不过,我毕竟是装的呀! 拖把这么沉,我根本受不了! 我的腰都快弯了。 When I was just doing it, I thought it was easy to mop the floor, but it was difficult to do it when I thought about it. Although the mop is very heavy, but I in order to not lose face, with a very light appearance of the mop, put it up hard to run forward, eyes disdained to look at the students, proud. But after all, I'm pretending! I can't stand the heavy mop! My waist is almost bent. 终于拖完地了,我真想休息休息,可是看见同组的同学还在干活,我就又干了起来。 地也扫完了,“我胜利了! ”我不禁在心理欢呼起来。 望着那白如雪花的地板砖,我欣慰地笑了。