晨练遥早晨,我正呼呼睡着大觉,就被妈妈从被窝里拉了出来。 我迷迷糊糊地到了客厅,抬头一看,呀,才6点10分! “怎么这么早就喊我呀? ”我惊讶地问妈妈,妈妈说:“从遥开始,你就天天晨练吧。 ”哎! This morning, when I was sleeping, my mother pulled me out of the bed. I went to the living room vaguely, looked up, ah, it's only 6:10! "Why call me so early? " I asked my mother in surprise, and she said, "from today on, you can do morning exercises every day. " Hey! 每办法,晨练去吧! 我穿好鞋,跟着爸爸来到外面。 我先开始跳绳,谁知我一跳,跳绳缠到了我的脖子,我和爸爸“扑哧”一声都笑了。 我又跳了遥,可是还没跳到第二个,跳绳又缠脚脖子了,我一生气,把跳绳扔到了地上。 我偷偷看了一眼爸爸,爸爸用鼓励的眼神望着我,好象在说:“要有信心,不能泄气啊! ”我一下子有了信心,又跳了起来,一口气跳了20多个呢! Every way, do morning exercises! I put on my shoes and went outside with my father. I started to jump rope first, but when I jumped, the rope around my neck, my father and I laughed. I jumped again, but I didn't jump to the second one. The skipping rope wrapped around my neck again. I was angry and threw the skipping rope to the ground. I took a furtive look at my father, who looked at me with encouraging eyes, as if to say: "have confidence, don't be discouraged! " I had confidence all of a sudden, and jumped up again, jumping more than 20 at a time! 我开始喜欢晨练了,因为晨练既锻炼了我的身体,又让我养成了早睡早起的好习惯,我要坚持下去。 I began to like morning exercises, because morning exercises not only exercise my body, but also let me form a good habit of early to bed and early to rise, I want to stick to it.