新来的班主任前几天我们的班主任郑老师生病了,我们班新来了一位班主任汪老师,和郑老师比,我总觉得 汪 老师一点不如 郑 老师好, 汪 老师上课总喜欢一个人教我们,从来不让我们做小老师,还有她对课上调皮、不认真听课的同学从来也不批评他们,就连吴昊杰弄翻桌椅闹出很大的动静,她也只是轻声地提醒一句:“请认真听课,不要做小动作。 ”课上如此,课间就更不用说了,班遥里乱糟糟的,一会儿朱天宇和陈天吉打架了,把鼻血都打出了,一会儿冯大地又把翁雨的铅笔盒弄坏了。 班里可热闹了,我们跑去向她报告,她点点头说:“知道了。 ”可她从来也不管,我们就像没妈的孩子一样,很可怜。 我觉得新来的班主任一点也不关心我们,是个不称职的班主任。 In class, it's not to mention that the class is in a mess. In a moment, Zhu Tianyu and Chen Tianji fight each other and make nosebleed. In a moment, Feng Dadi breaks Weng Yu's pencil box. Class can be busy, we ran to report to her, she nodded and said: "I see. " But she never cares. We are like children without a mother. We are pitiful. I don't think the new head teacher cares about us at all. He is not competent. 我真盼望郑老师的病能快点好,这样我们就又有人关心和爱护了。 I really hope Mr. Zheng's illness will get better soon, so that we will be cared for and cherished again.