看航空表演昨天,秋高气爽,我们学校一至三年遥的老师和同学们去太平寺机场看航空表演。 到了太平寺机场,首先,那里的工作人员高原叔叔带着我们来到了又宽又长有平坦的跑道上。 跑道上停着一架遥的“运五”飞机,一架小型“初教六”飞机,他还简单地介绍了飞机的构造。 接着,我们又来到看台上看动力伞表演。 高原叔叔先背起一个外面有保护蓝的螺旋桨,螺旋桨内装有发动器,刚一把发动器打开,高原叔叔就跑了起来,螺旋桨越来越快,声音也越来越大。 忽然,动力伞飞了起来,也带着高原叔叔飞了起来。 时而高,时而低,他还不断地微笑着向我们招手,这是怎么控制方向的? 原来高原叔叔手里拿了控制器。 然后,我们又看精彩遥的女子十二人的跳伞表演。 抬头一看,那架“运五”飞机在两千多米的高空上。 忽然,从飞机上跳下一个小黑点,一个接着一个,一下子,小黑点变成了五彩的花朵。 一、二、三……八,有八朵,这到底是什么? All of a sudden, the power umbrella flew up, also took the plateau uncle to fly up. Sometimes high, sometimes low, he is still smiling to wave to us, how to control the direction? It turned out that uncle Gao Yuan had the controller in his hand. Then we watched the wonderful and exciting parachute jumping performance of twelve women. Looking up, the "yun-5" plane is more than 2000 meters high. All of a sudden, a small black spot jumped off the plane, one after another. Suddenly, the small black spot became a colorful flower. 1、 Two, three 8、 There are eight. What is this? 原来这是精彩的女子十二人的跳伞表演。 咦! 是十二人表演,怎么只有八个人呢? 我们又望望天空,啊! 原来还有四个阿姨在做叠式表演。 跳伞员们,一个人勾着一个人的伞顶,四个人接起来,真像一条龙。 较后就是飞机表演。 两架“初教六”小型飞机先平行飞行,接着绕了一个大圈,直冲看台,真遥! It turns out that this is a wonderful skydiving performance of twelve women. Why! It's a performance of twelve people. How come there are only eight people? We look at the sky again, ah! It turns out that there are four aunts doing the staccato performance. Skydivers, a person with a person's umbrella top, four people together, it's like a dragon. And then there's the airplane show. Two "elementary six" small airplanes first fly in parallel, then make a big circle and go straight to the stands. It's exciting! 然后,又表演720度的翻滚。 一转又一转,不停地翻着,哇,真厉害! 我们都为他们的精彩表演而喝彩。 表演结束了,这让我想起老师说的一句话“台上十分钟,台下十年功。 ”叔叔阿姨们付出了多少心血和汗水才得到遥的成果啊! And then, 720 degree roll. Turn and turn, turn and turn, wow, it's so powerful! We all applauded their wonderful performance. At the end of the performance, it reminds me of the teacher's saying, "ten minutes on stage, ten years off stage. " How much hard work and sweat did aunts and uncles pay to get today's results!