


2020-06-28 00:00:00浏览:
天很蓝,云很白,风很爽……It's a sunny day.
The sky is blue, the clouds are white, the wind is cool遥晚上,我一边吃晚饭一边在想一件事情:我长大后登月的时候,到月球上该拿哪些东西送给爸爸妈妈做礼物呢?
比如:苏联遥的8枚六边形金质纪念章、美国的“阿波罗”号登月后遥下的登月舱、奥尔德林献给“月球人”的一只盛满美酒的“圣杯”、美国12名宇航员的照相机、靴子和钢笔等个遥品……Tonight, as I eat dinner, I think about one thing: when I go to the moon when I grow up, what things should I take to give to my parents as gifts?
I heard there are many "cultural relics" on the moon!
For example: eight special hexagon Gold Commemorative medallions made by the Soviet Union, the lunar module left by the American Apollo, a holy grail full of good wine dedicated by Aldrin to the lunar man, the cameras, boots, pens and other personal items of 12 American astronauts我真想马上长大去登月啊!
I really want to grow up and go to the moon!