小兔运南瓜一个风和日丽的早上,兔妈妈对小兔说:“地里的南瓜成熟了,你去摘一个回来。 ”One sunny morning, the mother rabbit said to the little rabbit, "the pumpkin in the field is ripe. Go pick one and come back. "“好呀! ”小兔蹦蹦跳跳地来到瓜园,摘了一个大南瓜。 可是,南瓜那么大,怎么运回家呢? 小兔正在发愁,突然,他看见熊哥哥骑着自行车经过瓜园。 小兔看见车轮滚呀滚,心想:有了,我可以把南瓜竖起来,像自行车的轮子一样滚着回家就行了。 于是,他把南瓜竖了起来,滚呀滚,滚回了家。 "Good! " The little rabbit came to the melon garden and picked a big pumpkin. But how can I get the pumpkins home when they are so big? The little rabbit was worried. Suddenly, he saw brother Xiong riding his bicycle through the melon garden. Seeing the wheels rolling, the little rabbit thought: Yes, I can put the pumpkin up and roll it home like a bicycle wheel. So he set up the pumpkin, rolled it, rolled it back home. 兔妈妈夸奖小兔真聪明,小兔听了,心里乐开了花。 The mother of the rabbit praised the little rabbit for being clever. The little rabbit was happy to hear it.