

以关系英语词汇 3

2020-06-02 00:00:00浏览:
以关系英语词汇 3Six Day War 六日战争Six Day Warspiritual leader 精神遥袖Spiritual leadersuicide attacks 遥遥袭击Suicide attackssuicide bombers 遥遥遥Suicide bomberssuicide bombing 遥遥遥Suicide bombingbody bombs 人体遥Body bodiesbody bombings 人体遥袭击Body bombingstargeted assassination 定点遥Targeted assassinationtargeted elimination 定点清除Targeted eliminationTel Aviv 特拉维夫 (以遥列首都)Tel Aviv Tel Aviv (the capital of Israel)Temple Mount 圣殿山Temple Mountthe al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades 阿克萨烈士旅The Al Aqsa martyrs brigadesthe Arab world 遥遥The Arab worldthe Likud Party 利库德集团The Likud partythe refugee camp 难民营The refugee campto chant the support 高呼支持的口号To change the supporttrade-off 交易Trade offtruce 休战Truce truceuncompromising 不妥协的,强硬的 UNSCOM 【名词】联合国遥调查特别委员会Uncompromising, uncompromising, tough UNSCOMveto否决Veto vetoWest Bank 约旦河西岸West BankYom Kippur 犹太人的赎罪日Yom Kippur Jewish Yom Kippur